Tips on Choosing the Right HVAC Air Filters

Since plenty of HVAC air filters are available on the market, choosing the best one can be a challenge. In addition, you need to consider the impact of your choice in air filter on your system’s energy efficiency and indoor air quality. To help you out, here the professional HVAC contractors from All Seasons Inc. share some helpful tips.  

Know the Different Types of Air Filters

First, you need to be familiar with the different types of air filters. This way, it will be easier for you to find the filter that best suits your HVAC system and will perform the way you want. We list a few types of air filters you should consider here:

Understand Filter MERV Ratings

Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) is a measurement of how well air filters can keep out particles in the air, how efficiently air flows through them and how long the filter lasts. The MERV scale ranges from 1 to 20. The higher the MERV, the more efficient the filter. Take note that although filters with a higher MERV rating can’t eliminate the need for dusting, they may reduce it. 

Air filters rated MERV 1 to 4 provide a basic level of protection for your system but don’t necessarily clean it. If you’re looking for ways to improve indoor air quality, MERV 5 to 8 is the range in which to start. Meanwhile, MERV 9 to 12 filters are the ideal choice, as they trap 95% of the particles passing through them. While filters that are MERV 13 and above may be the most effective, they can interfere with your system’s airflow. To determine which MERV rating best suits your home, be sure to consult your HVAC contractor. 

Consider the Maintenance Requirements

When choosing air filters, you also need to consider the maintenance requirements. As such, don’t forget to check the filter change schedule. You can usually find the schedule listed on the filter’s packaging, as well as recommendations based on the filter and your home’s conditions.

Trust All Seasons Inc. to help you choose the right air filter for your home! Rest assured our team of expert contractors will provide top-quality services. Call us today at (253) 879-9144 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We proudly serve homeowners in Tacoma, WA, and the surrounding communities.