When You Should Schedule Your HVAC Service Appointments

Your HVAC system provides cool or warm air during summer and winter and keeps your indoor spaces comfortable. However, it’s not designed to last forever, and with its years of service to you and your home, it will surely run into difficulties and problems at some point. To ensure long-lasting performance and efficiency, you must keep up with regular HVAC maintenance. 

But when should you schedule maintenance? All Seasons Inc., one of the top heating and air conditioning companies in the area, elaborates in this post.

Heating and Cooling Maintenance

With the differences in weather throughout the year, you’re expected to have one cooling and one  heating service appointment each year. Scheduling them in the spring and fall is a must to ensure that your HVAC system will provide adequate home comfort. After all, these are transitional seasons between the hottest and coldest months of the year, so it’s best to be prepared for both.

With the weather changing soon, you’re probably already thinking of scheduling an HVAC service appointment. All Seasons, Inc. is here to help you with your heating and cooling needs. To learn more about our services, don’t hesitate to call us at (253) 879-9144 or fill out our contact form. We proudly serve Gig Harbor and Tacoma, WA.