How Long Does It Take to Install a Furnace?

For many homeowners across the country, a furnace is an essential piece of equipment that they simply can’t live without. If you’re thinking about replacing an old furnace, you may be wondering how long it’s going to take to complete the installation. For most heating and air conditioning companies, a furnace installation takes between four and 10 hours, depending on the size of your house and the type of furnace you want to have installed, of course. 

Consider the Size of Your House

As mentioned above, the time it takes to install a new furnace varies from house to house. You don’t want a furnace that’s undersized, as it won’t have the capacity to heat your entire house efficiently. An undersized furnace will likely wear out faster due to overexertion. On the other hand, an oversized furnace will make your home uncomfortable and will probably cause your utility bills to skyrocket.

To ensure that you’re getting the right size furnace for your home, it’s wise to seek guidance from local furnace companies. A professional will consider your home’s floor plan and orientation, square footage, the amount of insulation, the number of people living in your home and even the number and type of windows that you have.

Your furnace contractor may also require additional time to address ductwork, electrical or gas line modifications in order to properly match your new equipment. All in all, most residential installation jobs can be completed in less than a day, so you don’t have to worry about going a long time without heat.

All Seasons, Inc. is one of the top HVAC and electric panel companies serving residents in Tacoma, WA, as well as nearby areas. For all your heating and cooling needs, be sure to give us a call at (253) 879-9144 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation today.