4 Common Causes of HVAC Emergencies in Summer

As the summer heat rolls in, you need an HVAC system that you can count on — you wouldn’t want your air conditioner breaking down in the middle of a hot day. In today’s post, All Seasons Inc. discusses the common causes of HVAC emergencies, and how air conditioning companies can help you prevent them.

  1. Heavy workload. The summer season can place a heavy toll on your air conditioner as the demand for cooling increases. The increased workload can result in wear on your air conditioner’s mechanical components, which can result in lower cooling output, increased energy consumption — and an unexpected breakdown. Such levels of wear do not happen overnight, and its effects can be mitigated with regular maintenance.
  2. Refrigerant leaks. Air conditioners absorb heat and cools the air inside your home by putting a substance called a refrigerant through different states of compression. Unlike fuel, refrigerant isn’t consumed and does not need to be recharged. If your system has a refrigerant leak, you’ll notice a significant decrease in cooling performance, as well as signs like warm air coming from your vents or ice forming on the evaporator coils. Proper installation by an HVAC professional, as well as keeping an eye for signs of leakage, can help prevent HVAC emergencies.
  3. Electrical issues. Increased air conditioner use can also cause an overload that, at best, can trip your electrical breakers. Old or improper wiring can damage other appliances in your home and increase the risk of a fire. Given the required electrical load of HVAC systems, electric panel companies recommend having a separate breaker for HVAC systems.
  4. Clogged air filters. The air filters in your air conditioner prevent dust and other particles from getting into the HVAC system. When filled to capacity, the air filters become clogged and hinders airflow, which increases the strain on the system and contributes to the HVAC system breaking down prematurely. Make it a point to include air filter inspections as a part of your monthly to-do list. Air filters typically become full at about three months of use, but may need to be replaced as often as every month during seasons of heavy usage.

In the event of an HVAC emergency, you need local air conditioning and furnace companies that can respond to you quickly and efficiently. Give our team at All Seasons Inc. a call at (253) 879-9144, or fill out our contact form to find out what we can do for you. We serve communities in Gig Harbor and Tacoma, WA.