4 Common Heating Mistakes to Avoid This Winter

As winter sets in, local homeowners shut down their air conditioners and prepare their heating systems to keep their homes warm and cozy. A single mistake, however, can not just cost you a lot of money, but also put your comfort at risk. 

Here All Seasons Inc., one of the leading HVAC and electric panel companies in the region, shares four heating mistakes you should avoid this winter.

Turning the thermostat on full blast – Many homeowners think that the house will heat up faster if they crank up the heat. That’s not how it works, however. All this does is increase the amount of time your system spends running. It’s best to set your thermostat to a reasonable temperature and patiently wait for the warm air to disperse.

Neglecting HVAC maintenance – Even if your HVAC unit seems to be working well right now, it’s a good idea to contact local furnace companies to check which of them can inspect your system and make sure it will continue working efficiently throughout the winter season. All Seasons Inc., for instance, will make sure to find and fix all the little issues that are keeping your unit from achieving peak performance.

Leaving windows and doors open – It takes much more time to heat up a home than to cool it down. When a window or door is left open for too long, chances are your indoor heat will escape.  Avoid making this common mistake by checking throughout your home for any open windows and doors and shutting them tightly.

Closing off vents – If you think closing vents in empty rooms will help you save on costs, you’re wrong. Preventing airflow through certain rooms could actually cause an imbalance in your system that can lead to serious problems.

If you want to learn more about the heating mistakes you must avoid, ask the technicians at All Seasons Inc. for more information like this. We’re among the most trusted local heating and air conditioning companies, so you can rest easy knowing you’re dealing with the pros. If you want to schedule a FREE consultation, call us at (218) 417-4246 or complete our contact form. We serve residents in Gig Harbor, Tacoma, WA, and surrounding communities.