Different Ways to Reduce Indoor Pollutants

IKEA claims that their new Gunrid air-purifying curtains will decrease the amount of indoor air pollutants in the home. However, there are additional things you can do in the meantime to help keep the air in your home cleaner while you’re waiting for these curtains to become available next year. Here are some suggestions straight from one of the leading HVAC and electric panel companies in the area.

Add Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans work by expelling indoor air from your home that may be contaminated by mold spores, dust and other pollutants. In addition to keeping the air clean, exhaust fans also aid in keeping the home well ventilated, preventing problems such as heat and moisture buildup that can harbor disease-causing mold and bacteria.

Get a Dehumidifier

As mentioned before, too much humidity in a space can attract mold and germs. If you can’t install exhaust fans in certain areas (like in a basement), the next best thing you can do is to get a dehumidifier. Air conditioning companies suggest researching the proper capacity needed to keep humidity controlled in areas of a certain size.

Minimize Air Fresheners and Fragrances

Air fresheners and spray-on fragrances may smell nice, but at the end of the day they add to the amount of harmful chemicals that pollute indoor air. Try to use them as little as possible, no matter how “organic” or “safe” these products claim to be.

Keep Your HVAC Clean

A dirty HVAC will keep cycling air and pollutants in a closed environment. This is why it’s very important to contact HVAC and furnace companies for professional cleaning and general maintenance on a regular basis. Remember that you may have to clean your HVAC more frequently if your unit is exposed to a lot of dust and other airborne particles.

Let us help you achieve cleaner indoor air in your home. All Seasons Inc. is the most trusted HVAC contractor in Tacoma, WA. You can call us at (253) 203-6200 or fill out this contact form to request a free estimate.