DST and Your HVAC System

If you’re one those who likes to keep close track of the calendar, you’re probably aware that March 10 is when Daylight Saving Time (DST) starts, which means you’ll need to advance your clocks forward an hour. Though this may sound trivial, it can make a big difference in your sleeping schedule and your daily activities. What you likely don’t realize is that DST actually has some hidden benefits for your HVAC system.

In this post, All Seasons, Inc., one of the best air conditioning companies in the area, discusses these advantages.

Daylight Savings, Energy Savings

Most HVAC systems nowadays have smart programming that allows them to automatically adjust to DST. Daylight savings essentially means there will be an extra hour of daylight, which also means an extra hour of warmth and thus less heat required to keep your home comfortable.

While it may not seem much, most furnace companies will tell you that the single additional hour provided by DST can make a big difference when it comes to energy savings. For starters, it puts less stress on your HVAC system, saving you from the headache of dealing with potential damage caused by overuse (and the additional expenses required to fix such damage).

No Smart Thermostat? No Problem

If your HVAC system doesn’t have a programmable thermostat, that doesn’t mean you’re left out in the cold in regard to your HVAC system. All it takes to do a manual adjustment is a little know-how, and if you have any questions, our expert team at All Seasons is happy to help. We also advise cleaning and maintaining your furnace to help optimize your HVAC system.

Turn to All Seasons, one of the leading electric panel companies in the country, for all of your heating and cooling needs. Give us a call at (253) 203-6200 or fill out our contact form to request more information on our sales, installation, maintenance and repair services. We serve clients in Gig Harbor and Tacoma, WA, and other nearby areas.