Heat Pump Operation: Typical Mistakes Homeowners Make

Using your heat pump correctly will ensure your year-round comfort and help you save on energy costs. This equipment can be one of the most efficient types of electric heating as long as you use it properly. 

Learn the mistakes homeowners often make when operating their heat pump here from one of the area’s leading electric panel companies

Constantly adjusting your heating system. It’s a common practice to change the temperature on your heating system when leaving the house or at the end of the day. Heat pumps work differently than other forms of heating, however. They achieve maximum efficiency by maintaining a set temperature. You’ll just need to determine the ideal setting and leave the equipment alone to do its job. However, there’s nothing wrong with turning it down if you’re leaving for more than 24 hours. 

Turning up your existing heating system. Heating and air conditioning companies don’t recommend leaving your existing system turned way up. Doing so will just cause your energy costs to increase. What you can do is turn your existing thermostat 10°F lower than you’re used to. This will make your old heating system a backup heat source. If your home feels colder than usual, it’s okay to temporarily increase the temperature on your old thermostat. 

Using “Auto” mode. It’s a common misconception that “auto” mode is the most efficient setting for your heat pump. This setting can actually cause the unit to toggle between heating and cooling. Your equipment will perform better when set to “heat” in the winter and “cool” in the summer. Keep in mind that “auto fan” is another setting that’s perfectly fine to use. 

Turn to All Seasons, Inc. for your home’s heating and cooling needs. We’re one of the area’s leading heat pump and furnace companies. Call us at (253) 879-9144 or fill out our contact form to get a free estimate. We serve clients around Gig Harbor and Tacoma, WA.