The Different Types of Heating Systems You Need to Know

Heating systems are responsible for ensuring comfort and improving the quality of your daily life. There are different types, which you should be aware of if you’re looking to install, repair or replace your current HVAC system.

All Seasons Inc., one of the premier heating and air conditioning companies in the area, talks about each of them in today’s blog post.


Most North American households depend on this type of centralized heating system. Also known as forced warm-air distribution systems, furnaces can be powered by electricity, natural gas or fuel oil. They work by blowing heated air through ducts, which then delivers the warm air around the home via air registers.

Like all other heating systems, the point of control starts with the thermostat, which turns the system on or off to keep you comfortable.


While furnaces carry heat through the warm air, boilers distribute heat via hot water. The heat that it emits then passes through radiators across the home. Cooler water then goes back to the system to repeat the process.

Instead of using the furnaces’ fan and duct systems, boilers have pumps that circulate hot water through pipes and radiators. They use either heating oil or natural gas for fuel. Common types include gas-fired boilers, which are more efficient than non-condensing counterparts.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are two-way air conditioners that can be used in the summer and winter to cool and warm your indoors, respectively. Most heat pumps use outdoor air as a heat source. Others, however, utilize heat coming from underneath the soil. Both are efficient in providing heating and cooling, though the ground-source heat pumps require components to be buried in the ground.

Apart from providing heating and cooling solutions, we are also one of the top electrical panel companies in the local area. We recognize the concerns many homeowners face when they deal with outdated electrical wiring and fuse boxes, which is why we offer expert electrical services and upgrades to satisfy our customers’ needs.

All Seasons Inc. is one of the top furnace companies in the area, and we are ready to offer you high-quality and reliable products. Give us a call at (253) 203-6200 to get started. You may also fill out our contact form to request an appointment. We serve Tacoma, WA, residents.