These Are the Features You Should Look for When Buying a New Furnace

Fall is peak season for many heating and electric panel companies. Homeowners all over the country are starting up their furnaces and scheduling appointments for some much-needed pre-season inspections and tune-ups. Some, however, actually take this opportunity to upgrade their old models to something newer that provides better energy efficiency ratings.

If you’re one of those who are considering getting a new furnace for the colder days ahead, there are a few key features that will help you find the right product. Let our HVAC experts at All Seasons, Inc. walk you through some of the most important things you need to look for in a brand-new heating system.

Correct sizing

Ask your furnace and air conditioning company to size your home correctly. Getting a unit that’s too small won’t be efficient because it will consume more energy just to maintain an even temperature throughout the many rooms in your home. Conversely, a unit that’s too big will be just as wasteful. A professional HVAC contractor can accurately determine your heating needs and find a system that meets it fully.

High AFUE ratings

AFUE stands for annual fuel utilization efficiency. This is a measure of how much fuel a particular furnace will consume compared to how much heat it will produce in one year. The higher the AFUE ratio, the better the furnace will be at using energy, and the more money you’ll save every year.

Additional features

Many furnace companies will highlight several features to make their product look like it’s the best option for you. However, not all features are of equal importance. Some of the most essential things you need to look for in a new furnace are variable-speed blowers, heat modulation settings and a more efficient ignition system.

At All Seasons, Inc., we can help you find a furnace that’s 100% right for your home. Give us a call at (253) 879-9144 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate on furnace upgrades today. We serve homeowners in Puyallup and Tacoma, as well as other nearby areas in WA.