Why Is Your HVAC System Barely Blowing Air?

Are you frustrated because your heating system barely blows air? This is a common issue many homeowners face, especially during the chilly winter months. In this blog, a heating and air conditioning company is here to help you understand why this happens and what you can do about it.

Furnace Filter Is Dirty

A dirty or clogged furnace filter can lead to poor air circulation. When dust and debris build up in the filter, they obstruct the airflow, hindering your heating system’s ability to blow air properly. 

Cleaning or replacing the furnace filter regularly can help alleviate this issue. Make sure to enlist a professional furnace company to have your system fully and properly cleaned.

Faulty Fan or Blower

The fan or blower in your heating system pushes the air out. If this part is failing or faulty, it could result in weak airflow. If the fan or blower is faulty, a professional will likely need to replace it.

Blockages in the Ducts

Like a dirty furnace filter, duct blockages restrict your heating system’s airflow. These blockages can result from dust accumulation, debris or pest infestations. Regular duct cleaning by professionals can help eliminate blockages and enhance air circulation.

Heat Exchanger Problem

A fault with the heat exchanger can impact the heating system’s ability to generate and distribute heat correctly, leading to weak airflow.

An inspection by a skilled and certified HVAC technician can identify if there is a problem with the heat exchanger. If damaged, it must be repaired or replaced to restore optimal system functionality.

Thermostat Setting

Sometimes, the issue might be an incorrect thermostat setup. Check your thermostat setting to see if it’s in the correct mode. You might want to switch it from “On” to “Auto.” This means the fan will operate only when the furnace heats the air.

Let Us Help You!

Rather than suffering in the cold, reach out to the experts at All Seasons Inc. We serve residents in Tacoma and Puyallup, WA, and can efficiently diagnose and fix your heating system issues. We are also a trusted electric panel companySend us a message or call us at (253) 879-9144 to schedule a consultation.