Why You Have to Replace Your Furnace Filters Regularly

It’s important to change your HVAC air filter regularly, particularly during months of heavy use, to ensure the whole system’s proper operation. A clean air filter will reduce your systems’ energy consumption and remove contaminants from your indoor air. All Seasons Inc., one of the top air conditioning companies in the area, explains why it’s important to change your furnace filters regularly:

The Importance of Regular Furnace Filter Replacement

Dirt that’s clogged up in the furnace filter can pollute the rest of your HVAC system. This can eventually lead to parts getting damaged or breaking down, leading to costly repairs. In addition, dirty air filters worsen indoor air quality and can exacerbate allergy or asthma symptoms. Maintaining good indoor air quality is important because we spend the majority of our time indoors. Check your air filter each month and replace it if it‘s dirty.

Replacing your furnace filters regularly can also increase the life span of your HVAC system. A dirty filter is one of the top causes of HVAC problems. As dirt accumulates, air won’t be able to pass through the filter, which makes the HVAC system work harder. This causes parts to wear down and the system to consume more energy to keep you warm. It’s up to you to ask professionals like All Seasons Inc., one of the most trusted local furnace companies, to help you replace your furnace filters as needed.

Things You Should Know About Furnace Filters

How long a furnace filter lasts depends on many factors, including the efficiency rating of the filter, the presence of pets, and HVAC usage. In general, the furnace filter needs to be changed more often during winter.

All Seasons Inc. is one of the leading HVAC and electric panel companies in our local area because of our exceptional customer service and our industry-leading products. We are a two-time Carrier® President’s Award recipient that illustrates our mastery of HVAC skills and knowledge. Call us at (253) 203-6200 to learn more about our services and products or to get a free estimate. We serve Gig Harbor, Tacoma, and nearby areas in WA.